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This file is part of Ext JS 4.2

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
 * A specialized panel intended for use as an application window. Windows are floated, {@link #resizable}, and
 * {@link #cfg-draggable} by default. Windows can be {@link #maximizable maximized} to fill the viewport, restored to
 * their prior size, and can be {@link #method-minimize}d.
 * Windows can also be linked to a {@link Ext.ZIndexManager} or managed by the {@link Ext.WindowManager} to provide
 * grouping, activation, to front, to back and other application-specific behavior.
 * By default, Windows will be rendered to document.body. To {@link #constrain} a Window to another element specify
 * {@link Ext.Component#renderTo renderTo}.
 * **As with all {@link Ext.container.Container Container}s, it is important to consider how you want the Window to size
 * and arrange any child Components. Choose an appropriate {@link #layout} configuration which lays out child Components
 * in the required manner.**
 *     @example
 *     Ext.create('Ext.window.Window', {
 *         title: 'Hello',
 *         height: 200,
 *         width: 400,
 *         layout: 'fit',
 *         items: {  // Let's put an empty grid in just to illustrate fit layout
 *             xtype: 'grid',
 *             border: false,
 *             columns: [{header: 'World'}],                 // One header just for show. There's no data,
 *             store: Ext.create('Ext.data.ArrayStore', {}) // A dummy empty data store
 *         }
 *     }).show();
Ext.define('Ext.window.Window', {
    extend: 'Ext.panel.Panel',

    alternateClassName: 'Ext.Window',

    requires: ['Ext.util.ComponentDragger', 'Ext.util.Region', 'Ext.EventManager'],

    alias: 'widget.window',

     * @cfg {Number} x
     * The X position of the left edge of the window on initial showing. Defaults to centering the Window within the
     * width of the Window's container {@link Ext.Element Element} (The Element that the Window is rendered to).

     * @cfg {Number} y
     * The Y position of the top edge of the window on initial showing. Defaults to centering the Window within the
     * height of the Window's container {@link Ext.Element Element} (The Element that the Window is rendered to).

     * @cfg {Boolean} [modal=false]
     * True to make the window modal and mask everything behind it when displayed, false to display it without
     * restricting access to other UI elements.

     * @cfg {String/Ext.Element} [animateTarget=null]
     * Id or element from which the window should animate while opening.

     * @cfg {Boolean/Function} ghost
     * Set to false to disable the ghost panel during dragging the window.
     * Do note that you should not set this to true, by default it is a function.

     * @cfg {String/Number/Ext.Component} defaultFocus
     * Specifies a Component to receive focus when this Window is focused.
     * This may be one of:
     *   - The index of a footer Button.
     *   - The id or {@link Ext.AbstractComponent#itemId} of a descendant Component.
     *   - A Component.

     * @cfg {Function} onEsc
     * Allows override of the built-in processing for the escape key. Default action is to close the Window (performing
     * whatever action is specified in {@link #closeAction}. To prevent the Window closing when the escape key is
     * pressed, specify this as {@link Ext#emptyFn Ext.emptyFn}.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [collapsed=false]
     * True to render the window collapsed, false to render it expanded. Note that if {@link #expandOnShow}
     * is true (the default) it will override the `collapsed` config and the window will always be
     * expanded when shown.

     * @cfg {Boolean} [maximized=false]
     * True to initially display the window in a maximized state.
     * @cfg {Boolean} [hideShadowOnDeactivate=false]
     * True to hide this Window's shadow when another floating item in the same z-index stack is activated.

    * @cfg {String} [baseCls='x-window']
    * The base CSS class to apply to this panel's element.
    baseCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window',

     * @cfg {Boolean/Object} resizable
     * Specify as `true` to allow user resizing at each edge and corner of the window, false to disable resizing.
     * This may also be specified as a config object to Ext.resizer.Resizer
    resizable: true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} draggable
     * True to allow the window to be dragged by the header bar, false to disable dragging. Note that
     * by default the window will be centered in the viewport, so if dragging is disabled the window may need to be
     * positioned programmatically after render (e.g., `myWindow.setPosition(100, 100);`).
    draggable: true,

     * @override
     * @cfg {Boolean} constrain
     * True to constrain the window within its containing element, false to allow it to fall outside of its containing
     * element. By default the window will be rendered to `document.body`. To render and constrain the window within
     * another element specify {@link #renderTo}. Optionally the header only can be constrained
     * using {@link #constrainHeader}.
    constrain: false,

     * @override
     * @cfg {Boolean} constrainHeader
     * True to constrain the window header within its containing element (allowing the window body to fall outside of
     * its containing element) or false to allow the header to fall outside its containing element.
     * Optionally the entire window can be constrained using {@link #constrain}.
    constrainHeader: false,

     * @cfg simpleDrag @hide

     * @cfg {Boolean} plain
     * True to render the window body with a transparent background so that it will blend into the framing elements,
     * false to add a lighter background color to visually highlight the body element and separate it more distinctly
     * from the surrounding frame.
    plain: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} minimizable
     * True to display the 'minimize' tool button and allow the user to minimize the window, false to hide the button
     * and disallow minimizing the window. Note that this button provides no implementation -- the
     * behavior of minimizing a window is implementation-specific, so the minimize event must be handled and a custom
     * minimize behavior implemented for this option to be useful.
    minimizable: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} maximizable
     * True to display the 'maximize' tool button and allow the user to maximize the window, false to hide the button
     * and disallow maximizing the window. Note that when a window is maximized, the tool button
     * will automatically change to a 'restore' button with the appropriate behavior already built-in that will restore
     * the window to its previous size.
    maximizable: false,

    // inherit docs
    minHeight: 50,

    // inherit docs
    minWidth: 50,

     * @cfg {Boolean} expandOnShow
     * True to always expand the window when it is displayed, false to keep it in its current state (which may be
     * {@link #collapsed}) when displayed.
    expandOnShow: true,

    // inherited docs, same default
    collapsible: false,

     * @cfg {Boolean} closable
     * True to display the 'close' tool button and allow the user to close the window, false to hide the button and
     * disallow closing the window.
     * By default, when close is requested by either clicking the close button in the header or pressing ESC when the
     * Window has focus, the {@link #method-close} method will be called. This will _{@link Ext.Component#method-destroy destroy}_ the
     * Window and its content meaning that it may not be reused.
     * To make closing a Window _hide_ the Window so that it may be reused, set {@link #closeAction} to 'hide'.
    closable: true,

     * @cfg {Boolean} hidden
     * Render this Window hidden. If `true`, the {@link #method-hide} method will be called internally.
    hidden: true,

     * @cfg {Boolean}
     * @inheritdoc
     * Windows render to the body on first show.
    autoRender: true,

     * @cfg {String}
     * @inheritdoc
     * Windows hide using offsets in order to preserve the scroll positions of their descendants.
    hideMode: 'offsets',

     * @property {Boolean}
     * A Window is always floating.
     * @private
     * @readonly
    floating: true,

    itemCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-item',
    initialAlphaNum: /^[a-z0-9]/,

    overlapHeader: true,

    ignoreHeaderBorderManagement: true,

    // Flag to Renderable to always look up the framing styles for this Component
    alwaysFramed: true,
    // Buffer this so we don't recreate the same object
    isRootCfg: {
        isRoot: true    

     * @property {Boolean} isWindow
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated Window, or subclass thereof.
    isWindow: true,

    // @private
    initComponent: function() {
        var me = this;
        // Explicitly set frame to false, since alwaysFramed is
        // true, we only want to lookup framing in a specific instance
        me.frame = false;
             * @event activate
             * Fires after the window has been visually activated via {@link #setActive}.
             * @param {Ext.window.Window} this

             * @event deactivate
             * Fires after the window has been visually deactivated via {@link #setActive}.
             * @param {Ext.window.Window} this

             * @event resize
             * Fires after the window has been resized.
             * @param {Ext.window.Window} this
             * @param {Number} width The window's new width
             * @param {Number} height The window's new height

             * @event maximize
             * Fires after the window has been maximized.
             * @param {Ext.window.Window} this

             * @event minimize
             * Fires after the window has been minimized.
             * @param {Ext.window.Window} this

             * @event restore
             * Fires after the window has been restored to its original size after being maximized.
             * @param {Ext.window.Window} this

        if (me.plain) {

        if (me.modal) {
            me.ariaRole = 'dialog';

        me.addStateEvents(['maximize', 'restore', 'resize', 'dragend']);

    getElConfig: function () {
        var me = this,

        elConfig = me.callParent();
        elConfig.tabIndex = -1;
        return elConfig;

    // State Management
    // @private
    getState: function() {
        var me = this,
            state = me.callParent() || {},
            maximized = !!me.maximized,
            ghostBox = me.ghostBox,

        state.maximized = maximized;
        if (maximized) {
            pos = me.restorePos;
        } else if (ghostBox) {
            // If we're animating a show, it will be from offscreen, so
            // grab the position from the final box
            pos = [ghostBox.x, ghostBox.y];
        } else {
            pos = me.getPosition();
        Ext.apply(state, {
            size: maximized ? me.restoreSize : me.getSize(),
            pos: pos
        return state;

    applyState: function(state){
        var me = this;

        if (state) {
            me.maximized = state.maximized;
            if (me.maximized) {
                me.hasSavedRestore = true;
                me.restoreSize = state.size;
                me.restorePos = state.pos;
            } else {
                Ext.apply(me, {
                    width: state.size.width,
                    height: state.size.height,
                    x: state.pos[0],
                    y: state.pos[1]

    // @private
    onRender: function(ct, position) {
        var me = this;
        me.focusEl = me.el;

        // Double clicking a header will toggleMaximize
        if (me.maximizable) {
                scope: me,
                dblclick: me.toggleMaximize

    // @private
    afterRender: function() {
        var me = this,
            header = me.header,


        // Initialize
        if (me.maximized) {
            me.maximized = false;
            if (header) {

        if (me.closable) {
            keyMap = me.getKeyMap();
            keyMap.on(27, me.onEsc, me);
        } else {
            keyMap = me.keyMap;
        if (keyMap && me.hidden) {

    // Override. Windows are always simple draggable, they do not use Ext.Panel.DDs
    // The dd property in a Window is always a ComponentDragger
    initDraggable: function() {
         * @property {Ext.util.ComponentDragger} dd
         * If this Window is configured {@link #cfg-draggable}, this property will contain an instance of
         * {@link Ext.util.ComponentDragger} (A subclass of {@link Ext.dd.DragTracker DragTracker}) which handles dragging
         * the Window's DOM Element, and constraining according to the {@link #constrain} and {@link #constrainHeader} .
         * This has implementations of `onBeforeStart`, `onDrag` and `onEnd` which perform the dragging action. If
         * extra logic is needed at these points, use {@link Ext.Function#createInterceptor createInterceptor} or
         * {@link Ext.Function#createSequence createSequence} to augment the existing implementations.

    initResizable: function(){
        if (this.maximized) {

    // @private
    onEsc: function(k, e) {
        // Only process ESC if the FocusManager is not doing it
        if (!Ext.FocusManager || !Ext.FocusManager.enabled || Ext.FocusManager.focusedCmp === this) {

    // @private
    beforeDestroy: function() {
        var me = this;
        if (me.rendered) {
            delete this.animateTarget;

     * @private
     * Contribute class-specific tools to the header.
     * Called by Panel's initTools.
    addTools: function() {
        var me = this;

        // Call Panel's initTools

        if (me.minimizable) {
                type: 'minimize',
                handler: Ext.Function.bind(me.minimize, me, [])
        if (me.maximizable) {
                type: 'maximize',
                handler: Ext.Function.bind(me.maximize, me, [])
                type: 'restore',
                handler: Ext.Function.bind(me.restore, me, []),
                hidden: true

     * @private
     * Returns the focus holder element associated with this Window. By default, this is the Window's element.
     * @returns {Ext.Element/Ext.Component} the focus holding element or Component.
    getFocusEl: function() {
        return this.getDefaultFocus();

     * Gets the configured default focus item.  If a {@link #defaultFocus} is set, it will
     * receive focus when the Window's <code>focus</code> method is called, otherwise the
     * Window itself will receive focus.
    getDefaultFocus: function() {
        var me = this,
            defaultComp = me.defaultButton || me.defaultFocus,

        if (defaultComp !== undefined) {
            // Number is index of Button
            if (Ext.isNumber(defaultComp)) {
                result = me.query('button')[defaultComp];
            // String is ID or CQ selector
            else if (Ext.isString(defaultComp)) {
                selector = defaultComp;
                // Try id/itemId match if selector begins with alphanumeric
                if (selector.match(me.initialAlphaNum)) {
                    result = me.down('#' + selector);
                // If not found, use as selector
                if (!result) {
                    result = me.down(selector);
            // Otherwise, if it's got a focus method, use it
            else if (defaultComp.focus) {
                result = defaultComp;
        return result || me.el;

     * @private
     * Called when a Component's focusEl receives focus.
     * If there is a valid default focus Component to jump to, focus that,
     * otherwise continue as usual, focus this Component.
    onFocus: function() {
        var me = this,

        // If the FocusManager is enabled, then we must noy jumpt to focus the default focus. We must focus the Window
        if ((Ext.FocusManager && Ext.FocusManager.enabled) || ((focusDescendant = me.getDefaultFocus()) === me)) {
        } else {

    onShow: function() {
        var me = this;

        if (me.expandOnShow) {

        if (me.keyMap) {

    // @private
    doClose: function() {
        var me = this;

        // Being called as callback after going through the hide call below
        if (me.hidden) {
            me.fireEvent('close', me);
            if (me.closeAction == 'destroy') {
        } else {
            // close after hiding
            me.hide(me.animateTarget, me.doClose, me);

    // @private
    afterHide: function() {
        var me = this;

        // No longer subscribe to resizing now that we're hidden

        // Turn off keyboard handling once window is hidden
        if (me.keyMap) {

        // Perform superclass's afterHide tasks.

    // @private
    onWindowResize: function() {
        var me = this,

        if (me.maximized) {
        } else {
            sizeModel = me.getSizeModel();
            if (sizeModel.width.natural || sizeModel.height.natural) {


     * Placeholder method for minimizing the window. By default, this method simply fires the {@link #event-minimize} event
     * since the behavior of minimizing a window is application-specific. To implement custom minimize behavior, either
     * the minimize event can be handled or this method can be overridden.
     * @return {Ext.window.Window} this
    minimize: function() {
        this.fireEvent('minimize', this);
        return this;
    resumeHeaderLayout: function(changed) {
        this.header.resumeLayouts(changed ? this.isRootCfg : null);    

    afterCollapse: function() {
        var me = this,
            header = me.header,
            tools = me.tools;

        if (header && me.maximizable) {
        if (me.resizer) {

    afterExpand: function() {
        var me = this,
            header = me.header,
            tools = me.tools,

        if (header) {
            if (me.maximized) {
                changed = true;
            } else if (me.maximizable) {
                changed = true;
        if (me.resizer) {

     * Fits the window within its current container and automatically replaces the {@link #maximizable 'maximize' tool
     * button} with the 'restore' tool button. Also see {@link #toggleMaximize}.
     * @param {Boolean} animate `true` to animate this Window to full size.
     * @return {Ext.window.Window} this
    maximize: function(animate) {
        var me = this,
            header = me.header,
            tools = me.tools,

        if (!me.maximized) {
            if (!me.hasSavedRestore) {
                me.restoreSize = me.getSize();
                me.restorePos = me.getPosition(true);

            // Manipulate visibility of header tools if there is a header
            if (header) {
                if (tools.maximize) {
                    changed = true;
                if (tools.restore) {
                    changed = true;
                if (me.collapseTool) {
                    changed = true;

            me.maximized = true;

            if (me.dd) {
                if (header) {
            if (me.resizer) {
            me.el.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-maximized');
            me.container.addCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-maximized-ct');

            me.fitContainer(animate = (animate || !!me.animateTarget) ? {
                callback: function() {
                    me.fireEvent('maximize', me);
            } : null);
            if (!animate) {
                me.fireEvent('maximize', me);
        return me;

     * Restores a {@link #maximizable maximized} window back to its original size and position prior to being maximized
     * and also replaces the 'restore' tool button with the 'maximize' tool button. Also see {@link #toggleMaximize}.
     * @return {Ext.window.Window} this
    restore: function(animate) {
        var me = this,
            tools = me.tools,
            header = me.header,
            newBox = me.restoreSize,

        if (me.maximized) {
            me.hasSavedRestore = null;
            me.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-maximized');

            // Manipulate visibility of header tools if there is a header
            if (header) {
                if (tools.restore) {
                    changed = true;
                if (tools.maximize) {
                    changed = true;
                if (me.collapseTool) {
                    changed = true;

            me.maximized = false;

            // Restore the position/sizing
            newBox.x = me.restorePos[0];
            newBox.y = me.restorePos[1];
            me.setBox(newBox, animate = (animate || !!me.animateTarget) ? {
                callback: function() {
                    me.fireEvent('restore', me);
            } : null);

            // Unset old position/sizing
            me.restorePos = me.restoreSize = null;

            // Allow users to drag and drop again
            if (me.dd) {
                if (header) {
            if (me.resizer) {

            me.container.removeCls(Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'window-maximized-ct');


            if (!animate) {
                me.fireEvent('restore', me);
        return me;

     * Synchronizes the presence of our listener for window resize events. This method
     * should be called whenever this status might change.
     * @private
    syncMonitorWindowResize: function () {
        var me = this,
            currentlyMonitoring = me._monitoringResize,
            // all the states where we should be listening to window resize:
            yes = me.monitorResize || me.constrain || me.constrainHeader || me.maximized,
            // all the states where we veto this:
            veto = me.hidden || me.destroying || me.isDestroyed;

        if (yes && !veto) {
            // we should be listening...
            if (!currentlyMonitoring) {
                // but we aren't, so set it up.
                // Delay so that we jump over any Viewport resize activity
                Ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(me.onWindowResize, me, {delay: 1});
                me._monitoringResize = true;
        } else if (currentlyMonitoring) {
            // we should not be listening, but we are, so tear it down
            Ext.EventManager.removeResizeListener(me.onWindowResize, me);
            me._monitoringResize = false;

     * A shortcut method for toggling between {@link #method-maximize} and {@link #method-restore} based on the current maximized
     * state of the window.
     * @return {Ext.window.Window} this
    toggleMaximize: function() {
        return this[this.maximized ? 'restore': 'maximize']();
